Premium Account ID and Password

[acp_account username=”user1″ password=”78946531″]

[acp_account username=”user1″ password=”78946531″]

[acp_account username=”user1″ password=”78946531″]


  1. anywhere within your post content.
  2. This shortcode will output the account information you’ve entered in the meta box, allowing you to place accounts precisely where you want them to appear in the post.

How It Works

[display_accounts_end] [accounts random=”yes”]

  • The [display_accounts] shortcode calls the function uamp_display_accounts_shortcode(), which retrieves and displays the accounts set in the meta box.
  • Each account displays in the post with the copy button and associated username/password details, maintaining the ability to show or hide accounts based on their expiry date.


This approach gives you total flexibility in positioning the account details anywhere in your content without needing to modify the template files.

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