Best Dog Breeds to Protect Family

If you are also a dog lover and want to keep a dog to protect your home or to keep it at home but you are not able to understand what type of dog you should keep for your home, then you should definitely click on the correct article.

Nowadays everyone likes to keep pets at home, hence most of people like to keep a dog in their home. Many people have this apprehension regarding dogs that the dog we have reared might harm us, in such a situation, it is very important to choose a suitable dog for the house.

If you have also thought that you want to keep a dog as a pet in your home, then today’s article can prove to be very important for you. It is very important to choose the right dog for keeping a dog at home. In today’s article, we are going to tell you about “Best Dog Breeds to Protect Family”.

In this article, we are also going to tell you how a dog can protect your home. In this article, we will tell you about the 10 best breeds of dogs which will prove to be very good for your home. If you are a pet lover and want to know about it, then you will have to read this article till the end. So let’s start our today’s article and get all types of information about dogs: –

Why should we keep pets at home?

Not everyone keeps pets in their home these days because sometimes animals are so aggressive that they harm us. But we also tell you about some benefits of keeping animals which are as follows:-

  1. If you keep any type of pet in your house, then it can entertain you very easily.
  2. The biggest advantage of keeping animals is that we do not have to waste time feeding our children.
  3. If you have any pet in your house then your child can easily play with it.
  4. Pets are also very useful in protecting our house.

Why should we keep dogs as pets?

If you want to keep a pet in your house, then in our opinion you should definitely keep a dog in your house. There are many benefits of keeping a dog as a pet, which are as follows:-

  1. If you keep a dog at home as a pet, it is very useful in protecting your home.
  2. Dogs are considered to be the most loyal animals among animals.
  3. Dog is such an animal that adapts itself according to the behaviour of humans.
  4. If you have small children in your house, then the dog also helps a lot in entertaining them.
  5. You can also keep a dog to guard your house.

Best Dog Breeds to Protect Family

If you have decided to keep a dog as a pet in your home, then we are going to tell you about some of the best breeds of dogs. We will tell you about the top 10 breeds of dogs which you can easily keep at your home.

1. German Shepherd

If you are looking for a dog breed to protect your home which is very easy for you to raise, then German Shepherd can be the best option for you. German Shepherd is a dog that is very large in size, this dog is known for its agility.

German Shepherds are considered to be the most loyal and agile dogs among pet dogs. A German Shepherd is a dog that is very easy to train. These types of dogs get integrated into the house in the shortest possible time.

German Shepherds are mostly used by police and army personnel, this is because these dogs have a lot of agility. The German Shepherd also has a habit of doing anything for their owner, that is why the German Shepherd is the most popular breed in the world. German Shepherd can prove to be a very good option for you as a pet.

2. Akita Dog

Akita Dog is also the most reared in the category of pet dogs. The special thing about Akita Dog is that its ears always remain high. Akita dogs are very loyal. Akita dogs have a very fast running speed and by keeping this type of dog in your house, you can keep your house much safer.

The special thing about Akita Dog is that whenever any unknown person comes to our house, this type of dog starts investigating him. Akita Dog investigates the unknown person in such a way that he is not even able to detect. If these dogs fear any bad thing then they start barking loudly. Due to the nature of this dog, people like to keep it very much.

3. Estrela Mountain Dogs

Estrela Mountain Dogs: This is considered to be the oldest Portuguese breed of dogs. As this dog has Mountain in its name, you must have understood which people should keep this type of dog.

These dogs are very intelligent, that is why they fit all families. The nature of this category of dogs is very calm. Due to their calm nature, people like to keep them the most. This type of dog should be kept mainly by those people who live in hilly areas.

4. Boxer

In the category of dogs, Boxer is a dog which is slightly small in size. Due to its small size we can easily carry it anywhere. Boxer category dogs are very alert. These types of dogs are not afraid of any kind of dog, hence they are kept in the category of fearless dogs.

These dogs like to spend more time with humans, that is why they easily integrate with any family. Boxer dogs are 10 to 12 years old.

5. Bergamasco Sheepdog

The Bergamasco Sheepdog is a dog with very thick hair. You do not need to spend much money in raising the Bergamasco Sheepdog because this type of dog rarely falls ill. The best habit of this dog is that it does not bite people.

The thick hair of this dog looks very good due to which this dog looks very beautiful. If you have a small child in your house then you can easily keep a Bergamasco Sheepdog in your house. The size of this dog is around 22 to 23 inches. The lifespan of the Bergamasco Sheepdog is 13 to 15 years.

6. Briard

This breed of dog is also completely full of hair. If you want a very beautiful dog with long hair, then you can comfortably keep this dog in your home. This dog always keeps his tongue out. This dog is very fond of cleanliness, due to which you may have to bathe this dog frequently.

The size of the Briard can range from approximately 22 to 27 inches. Briard’s age is believed to be around 12 years old. This dog also runs very well, due to which you can use it in dog races also.

7. Doberman Pinscher

If you want a dog that can guard your house 24 hours a day, then Doberman Pinscher can prove to be the best option for you. You can easily keep these dogs outside your house for protection.

The Doberman Pinscher dog is very easy to raise. This type of dog does not require much medicine. These dogs like to exercise a lot, due to which you have to walk them daily. These dogs are quite large in size and their age is considered to be around 10 to 12 years.

8. Puli

This is a dog whose hearing ability is very high, this dog can easily feel even light sounds. Apart from being beautiful, these dogs are also very loyal and intelligent. They are always full of energy.

They are considered to be the smallest sized dog in the category of dogs. The size of Puli is around 16 to 17 inches and the age of this dog is 10 to 15 years.

9. Rottweiler

If you want a dog which is very ferocious in appearance but is actually calm, then you can easily keep a Rottweiler in your home. A Rottweiler is a dog which is very calm. This dog is always loyal to its owner and never attacks the family members.

This dog does not need any special kind of food, we can maintain it with ordinary food also. The age of this dog is around 9 to 10 years.

10. Tibetan Mastiff

If you live in a snowy area then Tibetan Mastiff can prove to be a very good option for you. These types of dogs are very warm in their body due to which they are kept in snowy areas. These dogs always have hair on their bodies. Their age is 10 to 12 years.


In today’s article, we have told you about “Best Dog Breeds to Protect Family”. We have also told you why you should keep pets in your home. In this article, you have been told about the 10 best breeds of dogs that you can easily keep in your home. Hope you liked the information given by us.

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